Now to elaborate...
I finished the game 10 days ago and I am now playing Majora's Mask. I loved Ocarina of Time. I loved it more than Link to the Past, which I also loved playing. Now my ass was kicked about 100 times when I played Link to the Past, but in Ocarina of Time I think I only died 20 something times.
Anyways, aside from a few times were I believe the game was not terribly clear, this truly was an awesome game, Beautiful music by Koji Kondo, great graphics for the time, and it was great to experience how Link to the Past's mechanics were brought into the 3D world. This game is inevitably overrated, as is everything that is popular, but this game deserved all the praise it received back in the day. It's not the greatest game ever made, no single game is, but this is certainly ONE of the best games ever made.
The Z-Targeting system and the context sensitive buttons, among also the overall feel of the game was a huge influence on future adventure games. The dungeons were really fun, if a bit bothersome at times. My least favorite had to be the Fire Temple...at least I used to think so. I remember having a tough time...well...no just a few things bugged me. I'll elaborate later.
Oh, and the Water Temple? It was not that bad. At all. I've heard before that most fans hate it and Miyamoto has actually outright apologized for designing it....but it was fine! I liked the encounter with Dark Link, and the Morpha boss even though it frustrated me a bit.
The two biggest issues were only a few cramped spaces and the fact that you have to constantly pause and unpause to game to switch between your iron boots and regular boots. Also it is pretty BS that you could only fight underwater using the hookshot. If nothing else, Majora's Mask made up for that with the Zora Mask.
Well...you could argue the rising and lowering of water levels, but trust me it's not that bad at all! I rose the water to one level, searched the rooms, and then rose or lowered it further. It was totally manageable and I enjoyed my time in that Temple. I suppose it is still a problem that it MIGHT be easy to get lost in that temple, because I'll be fair it took a bit of time for me on my first time to find the room where Ruto was.
I appreciate that the 3DS remake mitigated these issues at the very least, but I still enjoyed the original Water Temple. (Well also there was the fact that I felt like leaving and coming back with the Zora Tunic.) I suppose people will hate me now for defending it.
Anyways, I actually almost immediately moved onto the 3DS remake after finishing Ocarina of Time. It was actually a very smooth transition, because I started getting through the game in no time flat. I am now on the Shadow Temple and I think I even figured out some hidden detail about the fishing mini-game (my least favorite part of the game by far, Dark Chronicle is the only RPG like game I've played that actually has a fun fishing mini-game).
When it comes to the Fire Temple, I suppose it was a combination of me not paying close enough attention and it being my first playthrough. When I played the Fire Temple on the 3DS remake, I cleared it with no troubles. That's not the entire reasoning behind my first thoughts on the Temple as a whole, but I'd say those were the biggest factors.
So yeah, there isn't much more to say, I loved the game. I hope that I can say the same for Majora's Mask but I have yet to complete that one (and I haven't been playing it for a few days). Here's hoping that I love the other Zelda games too!
Also my favorite Temple was the Spirit Temple.
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