Sunday, June 11, 2017

JD Talks-What Games I'm Playing and What I Want To Play

I've been a hardcore "gamer" ever since I was 5 years old and I got my PlayStation 2. I don't technically play games as addictively as I used to, but I still love them. I'm going to school for Game Design for a reason.

Anyways, here are the games that I am currently playing and the games I'm looking forward to:

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Yup, what many would call the "greatest game ever made". I don't think that when I play this, but I still immensely respect this game for what it accomplished. And I am having a ton of fun with it even though I might suck at Zelda...or it could be because it's my first play through.

I've gotten back to playing this in the past few had been about a week. It is very fun. You see, I've owned all the main series games for quite some time, but I've only recently gotten into the franchise. I feel like a fool for not doing that sooner, because I fell in love with A Link to the Past (even though I wasn't the best at it...).

I won't lie, I have been using a guide on and off with these games...but I wouldn't classify these games as ones were you need a walkthrough...I probably have a hard time noticing stuff. Also, it's my first play through and i don't want to spend a terrible amount of time on a single game right now.

Regardless, I am loving this game. I've made it a bit of a goal to play every major Zelda game over the summer. The only main series game I don't own is Wind Waker, so...I'll get myself a copy soon. I'll see how things are after I finish Majora's Mask.

The Rest of the Main Series Zelda Games and Link Between Worlds

Pretty much already explained this...and I just remembered that I have to buy a Wii Motion Plus thing for Skyward Sword...Either way I'm having so much fun with Zelda right now!

The first Zelda game I've properly played is Twilight Princess. I got it for Christmas along with my Wii...but that was so long ago and I barely got through it...and yes I'm keeping the Wii version.

Now the only handheld game I will play for right now is Link Between Worlds. The reasons are that my sister bought the game for me, along with Super Mario Bros Wii 2 years ago as a birthday present, and that it's directly connected to Link to the Past. Furthermore, after I play Skyward Sword, I'll be all set for Breath of the Wild.

I am so excited to finally play that. I already love how it looks and Somecallmejohnny's review of it got me even more interested! But first....

Nintendo Switch and Super Mario Odyssey

...I'm gonna need a Switch! To put it simply, consoles at launch tend to be riddled with problems so it's always best to wait. The Switch is everything the Wii U should have been (but I don't outright hate the Wii U) and it looks so awesome!

So far the only other Switch game that I really want to play besides Breath of the Wild is Super Mario Odyssey. Not only does it look crazy with that new hat power up, and Mario going to the real world, but the course design will be like Mario 64, where you enter a level, and you can tackle the objectives however you want. Don't get me wrong, I love Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 to death, but it's great to see Nintendo going back to a more open design. It helps with replay value, you know?

I'm certain that there are other Switch titles that will be more than worth playing...but for right now these two are the only ones I really want...well that and 1,2 Switch. It's interesting that the Switch games are cards of some sort....

Dishonored and Sims 2

These are the two PC games that I have the most time invested in. Sims 2 is one of those games where the satisfaction comes from successful planning...I mean it's technically a strategy game.

Don't get me wrong, it's charming, humorous, looks great for a cartoony game, but it can be a little tough for a newbie like me...I mean the first sim I sent to University flunked....but I do really want to play more of it... (also this is the best Sims games...kind of because it was the last one to involve Will Wright.) I actually played this on and off years ago on my parents' computer...

Also Dishonored was a game that I bought to test out my desktop's gaming capabilities...and I had more fun with it than I thought i would. I'm sure eventually I'll get myself to play both of these games more...because I know I won't regret it!

Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces

I'm not exactly a die hard Sonic fan but I did grow up with a number of the games. Colors and Generations were pretty good...but they still don't even compare to anything Nintendo makes...

Now I am always cautiously optimistic, but Sonic Mania was a huge surprise that I initially didn't know how to feel about, but after I realized that it was a completely new classic style Sonic game, made by the same team that handled the Sonic CD iOS port?! I was pretty hyped. The game looks beautiful, and that animated trailer directed and animated by Tyson Hesse, who did the Sonic Mega Drive comics, and who is possibly the best Classic Sonic artist I've ever seen? Amazing.

Yeah, some of the levels are repeats, but the overall product has got to be good! The fact that Sega is allowing a 2D game to be made is pretty special....

As for Sonic Team's next just keeps looking better and better. The more that's revealed of the this game, the more I care. The Park Avenue theme recently released? A really addicting track. I also love the colors of the screenshots, and especially that awesome logo.

I'm hoping this game is better than Generations, because with both this and Mania (and the fact that SEGA was willing to push these games to 2017 instead of rushing them for the 25th Anniversary) ...Sonic JUST might have a chance to revitalize itself as a franchise...maybe...because we've felt this way about Sonic before...I'm getting the PS4 version, not the Switch version. I'm not confident about that port....

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon

Here's an easy one to explain. Sun and Moon is my 2nd favorite Pokémon game, topped only by Generation 5 (Black/White and Black 2/White 2). The logo is cool, the new forms of the mascot legendaries look cool, and...hey this looks like a Black and White 2 situation, a new game in the same region, not just a third version.

Oh, boy am I gonna most likely get this day one...and I know people are upset about Game Freak not doing a Generation 4 remake...but come on, I'm sure they'll do it eventually.

Pokken and the VC Classic Pokémon games I have no interest in. For one thing, I already own the original games.

Kingdom Hearts III

Oh boy! I don't know when we will get this game, but I am playing it! I grew up with Kingdom Hearts, ever since the series started. The story can get really problematic, but the art design, music (Yoko Shimomura is SUCH a great composer), especially climatic gameplay make this perhaps my favorite RPG of all time!

I have so many memories with this series, my favorites being II and Birth by Sleep. The HD remixes are the only HD remakes that I've ever cared for because they were the final mixes of the original games, never before released outside the US. Whatever we get, I hope that the wait was worth it!

All the Other Games in My Collection that I Haven't Played and the Games I Eventually Want to Play that are on my Collection List

This one would take forever to explain, but I have an ever expanding collection of games as far back as Atari 2600...a lot of games I haven't properly played, while others I don't own yet.

I really should wait to worry about this sort of thing until I either have a job or am out of college...but hey I am a collector so...this one will happen naturally on it's own I'm sure.

So yeah, I am a serious gamer, I have been one all my life, and I plan on playing more and more, especially because they can serve as great inspiration to me as a future game creator. I'm sure this list will eventually expand when I get around to reading up on other games. What games have you played and/or plan on playing?

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